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How to delete your Christian Connection dating account

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How to delete your Christian Connection dating account.

Christian Connection is a dating site normally for Christian just like niche , basically is for single Christian with a good intention to know each other and for a long time relationship that can last forever or life time.

The Christian connection app is rated as most popular app use in the global and also Christian community which is dedicated to single male and female in Austria, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore and United state.

If you want to delete your account permanently or want exit from the app but facing challenges. We will guide and help users on how to delete Christian Connection profile. Please know once you delete your account from the data base of Christian connection you have no access to the account and cant be retrieve again.

How to delete Christian Connection dating account

  1. Login your email address and your password
  2. Click on setting and tap delete account
  3. Write the reason why you want to leave the website
  4. Fill in your login details and delete finally


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