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How to Delete Uniform Dating Account

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Believe how to delete Uniform Dating account is not difficult. Once you follow the right procedure in this article you get your account deactivate permanent.

uniform dating is an online dating website for singles that are searching for someone special but professional. The website lets its users create and edit account information, browse through the list of profile, search local singles living near your area and interact with them via sending messages

Here Are Features Of Uniform Dating

1. Sign up for free

2. Create and view profiles and upload pictures

3. Search member database according to the profession, such as air force, aircrew, firefighter, army, doctor or dentist, nurse, navy, or police/CO/sheriff

4. Block members or add them to Favorites

5. See lists of members who like you, want to get in touch with you, as well as your viewing history

6. Connect with them on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+

7. contact customer support through an online form

Notwithstanding these amazing qualities, many registered users still want to deactivate or delete their Uniform Dating Account permanently or temporally due to one reason or the other, it may be the issue of fraud, long vacation, or that the user does not want to be online again for reason best known to him or her. Whatever the reason, meanwhile, it’s obvious some no longer trust the social giant, and I keep hearing the same question over and over again from my reader.

How to Delete Uniform Dating Account

Currently, there are two ways to delete your account from Uniform Dating website which are have given below:-

Delete Your Account through Website
1. Go to the following URL “” and sign-in to your account.

2. Once you sign-in you will be redirected to MY ACCOUNT page here scroll down to section My account Settings and then click on button REMOVE ACCOUNT.

Delete Account by Sending E-Mail
1. Open your email account and compose a new mail

2. Copy this email address


4. Now write an email regarding deleting your account and write your honest reason regarding deleting your account.

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