
GG Money Loan App: Apply, Signup, Login, Customer Care, Review, Download APK.

GG Money Loan App: Apply, Signup, Login, Customer Care, Review, Download APK.

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GG Money Loan is a digital lending platform that provides loans to individuals without the need for collateral or tedious paperwork. This loan app is reliable and trustworthy, making it an excellent option for those who require quick access to funds. With GG Money Loan, users can borrow a minimum of N5,000 and a maximum amount of N100,000 with a repayment plan of up to 12 months at an interest rate of 15% per annum.

GG Money Loan App: Apply, Signup, Login, Customer Care, Review, Download APK.
GG Money Loan App: Apply, Signup, Login, Customer Care, Review, Download APK.

How to Download GG Money Loan APK from Third-Party Website

If you prefer to download the GG Money Loan app from a third-party website, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your preferred third-party website that offers APK downloads.
  2. Search for “GG Money Loan” in the search bar.
  3. Click on the download link for the latest version of the app.
  4. Once the download is complete, go to your device’s settings and enable installation from unknown sources.
  5. Locate the downloaded APK file and click on it to begin the installation process.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  7. Launch the app and sign up or log in to access its features.

How to Sign Up and Login to GG Money Loan App

To sign up for a GG Money Loan account, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the GG Money Loan app on your device.
  2. Click on the “Sign Up” button located at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Enter your phone number and click on “Get OTP.”
  4. Enter the OTP you receive via SMS and click on “Verify.”
  5. Create a password for your account and confirm it by entering it again.
  6. Provide your details, including your name, email address, and date of birth.
  7. Accept the terms and conditions of the app and click on “Submit.”
  8. Your account is now active, and you can log in using your phone number and password.

How to Borrow Money from GG Money Loan App

To borrow money from GG Money Loan, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the GG Money Loan app on your device and log in to your account.
  2. Click on the “Borrow” button located at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select the loan amount you wish to borrow within the range of N5,000 to N100,000.
  4. Choose a repayment plan that suits your needs, ranging from 3 months to 12 months with an interest rate of 15% per annum.
  5. Review your loan details and confirm that they are correct before submitting your application by clicking on “Submit.”
  6. You will receive a notification confirming that your loan application has been successful or rejected within a few minutes of submission. If approved, you will receive funds in your bank account within 24 hours of approval via bank transfer or USSD code depending on which option you choose during the signup process.

GG Money Loan App Review: Interest Rate, Repayment Plan, Loan Eligibility, Loan Requirements, Customer Care

Interest Rate

GG Money Loan offers loans with an interest rate of 15% per annum. This interest rate is competitive compared to other digital lending platforms in the market. The interest rate is fixed throughout the loan tenure, making it easy for borrowers to budget and plan their repayments.

Repayment Plan

GG Money Loan offers a flexible repayment plan ranging from 3 months to 12 months. Borrowers can choose a repayment plan that suits their needs based on their financial situation and repayment capacity. The repayment plan is spread over the loan tenure, making it easy for borrowers to manage their finances and avoid defaulting on their loans.

Loan Eligibility

To be eligible for a loan from GG Money Loan, borrowers must meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be a Nigerian citizen aged 18 years and above.
  2. Must have a stable source of income.
  3. Must have an active bank account in any Nigerian bank.
  4. Must have a valid phone number and email address.
  5. Must not have any outstanding loans with GG Money Loan or any other digital lending platform.
  6. Must not have defaulted on any loan in the past 6 months.
  7. Must not have any bankruptcy or insolvency records in the past 2 years.
  8. Must not have any criminal records or convictions related to fraud or financial mismanagement.
  9. Must provide accurate and complete information during the loan application process.
  10. Must agree to the terms and conditions of the loan agreement and repayment plan.

Loan Requirements

To apply for a loan from GG Money Loan, borrowers must provide the following documents:

  1. A valid government-issued ID card (e.g., National ID card, Driver’s License, International Passport).
  2. A recent utility bill (e.g., electricity bill, water bill) as proof of address.
  3. A recent bank statement (either physical or online) as proof of income and bank account details (account number, bank name).
  4. A recent passport photograph (preferably a colored one).
  5. A completed loan application form (available on the GG Money Loan website or app).
  6. A signed copy of the loan agreement and repayment plan (provided by GG Money Loan).
  7. A signed copy of the privacy policy and terms and conditions (provided by GG Money Loan).
  8. A signed copy of the consent form authorizing GG Money Loan to access your bank account details and credit history (provided by GG Money Loan).

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on GG Money Loan App

1) How long does it take to receive funds after approval?

  • Funds are disbursed via bank transfer within 24 hours of approval for new customers who provided all required documents during the application process due to network issues or other unforeseen circumstances beyond their control.
  • For returning customers who already provided all required documents during previous loans with us, funds are disbursed instantly via USSD code after approval.

2) What are the penalties for late payment or defaulting on a loan?

  • Late payment fee: If you fail to make your monthly repayment within 7 days of its due date, you will be charged a late payment fee equal to 5% of your outstanding balance at the time of default.
  • Default fee: If you fail to make any repayment within 30 days of its due date, you will be charged a default fee equal to 10% of your outstanding balance at the time of default. 
  • Collection fee: If we engage a third-party debt collection agency to recover your outstanding balance from you, you will be charged a collection fee equal to 20% of your outstanding balance at the time of collection. 
  • Legal fees: If we initiate legal proceedings against you to recover your outstanding balance from you, you will be responsible for all legal fees incurred by us in connection with such proceedings

3) How can I extend my repayment plan?

You can apply for an extension of your repayment plan by contacting our customer care service via email or phone call at least 7 days before your final repayment date.

  • The extension request will be reviewed by our underwriting team based on your financial situation and repayment capacity.. – If approved, we will send you a new repayment plan with revised monthly installments and a final repayment date.
  • If rejected, we will inform you via email or SMS explaining the reasons for our decision.. – The extension request fee is N500 per request. 
  • The extension fee is waived if you extend your repayment plan by more than 50% compared to your original repayment plan. 
  • The extension fee is non-refundable even if we reject your extension request. 
  • The extension fee is not included in your monthly installments but is added as a separate charge when we disburse funds for your new repayment plan. 
  • The extension fee does not affect your credit score as it is considered an administrative fee rather than an interest charge.

4) How can I cancel my loan agreement?

You can cancel your loan agreement by contacting our customer care service via email or phone call at least 7 days before your first repayment date. 


GG Money Loan is a digital lending platform that provides loans to individuals without the need for collateral or tedious paperwork. This loan app is reliable and trustworthy, making it an excellent option for those who require quick access to funds. With GG Money Loan, users can borrow a minimum of N5,000 and a maximum amount of N100,000 with a repayment plan of up to 12 months at an interest rate of 15% per annum.

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