Messaging App

How To Delete Inner Circle – Close Account

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Inner circle is an online dating platform where people can interact with each other, basically is meant for singles and it allows messaging, sharing of photo and document in a device to communicate with people .

Its among the most rated popular dating app in the global and has more than 2 millions users in the platform.

Users of Inner circle has lay a complain about the application that many scammers are active and ready to hurt people and it has come to their conclusion that they want to deactivate or delete the account but have no experience on how to delete it , don’t worry much you are at the right source. Follow the steps below to close your account.

How To Delete Inner Circle


  • Login your email and password on your device


  • Click on account setting and tap on advanced setting



  • Write reason why you want to leave the app


  • Delete your account permanently


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