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How To Delete Snack Video Account | Deactivate Forever

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How To Delete Snack Video Account Procedures.

Hi, do you wish to delete your Snack Video account on your mobile phone?

If such is the case then you’re on the right page to see the steps on how to close or deactivate your account.

There are many factors why you want to delete your account but don’t mention. In here is the step to cancel or deactivate your Snack video account forever.

Snack video is a platform where users create and upload short videos for the purpose of entertaining and acquiring knowledge. The users watch the creator’s clips and love them because of their talent and the content they make. This app was developed by Kuaishou Technology. The Snack video launched in the market to compete with TikTok.

To permanently delete your Snack Video account requires removing all personal information. You cant restore your account back once deactivated.

How To Delete Snack Video Account

Steps to follow;

  1. Open the snack video mobile app on your phone and log into your account.
  2. Tap on your Setting (gear icon) on the top-left side corner of your screen.
  3. Tap on Help Center.
  4. Tap on Report Problem.
  5. Now on the Report Problem tab, scroll down and click on DELETE MY ACCOUNT.
  6. Select the “I want to switch to a new account” option.
  7. Immediately, your screen will pop-up a confirmation message: “Your account will become invisible. It will disappear completely in 72 hours. If you change your mind during that period, simply log back in”
  8. Now, click on GOT IT to permanently delete your account.

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